Monday 7 November 2016

Throw Bounce Pass in Basketball

"I discovered early on that the player who learned the fundamentals of basketball is going to have a much better chance of succeeding," said John Wooden, one of the most successful coaches in the game. And the arsenal of fundamental offensive weapons includes the bounce pass. Learn to do it right in order to succeed on the court.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Bend slightly at the knees for a good athletic position, being able to move your feet and body in response to defensive pressure.

Grab the ball between both hands. Run the fingers along the outside of the ball, pointing the fingers at your target. Place the thumbs behind the ball.

Pull the ball back in towards your chest. Keep your forearms and elbows lined up directly behind the ball so that you can draw a straight line from your elbows through your wrists, fingers and ball to your target.

Bend down slightly at the waist, pointing your chest, fingers and forearms at the ground.

Step straight toward the target. It is helpful to lead with the leg on the same side of your body as your dominant hand, but that might not be an option during a game. Practice leading with each leg until you become proficient with both.

Fire your pass using the momentum of your body and power of your legs. Shoot the energy through your elbows and forearms, moving both arms straight at the target simultaneously. Pass the ball off of your thumbs, aiming at the ground a little more than half way to your target.

Follow through straight at the spot on the ground you're aiming for. Extend your arms straight and allow your upper body to drift toward the pass, using your lead leg to finally stop your momentum.

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