Saturday 17 December 2016

Prevent Skateboarding Going Down Hand Rails

Skateboarders can damage your business property. If they grind their skateboards on your handrails, it can scratch or even break them. Sometimes it's difficult to stop skateboarders from practicing their techniques on your property. They also can disrupt customers and make it difficult for customers to enter your establishment. Your instinct might be to yell at them, but there are more effective ways to protect your handrails.

Place a "No Skateboarding" sign outside your property. Make sure you place it close to your handrails. This will help deter skateboarders from using your property, and it will protect you legally if a skateboarder is injured outside your business.

Talk to the skateboarders. Try to have a calm conversation with them about the potential damage they could do to your property. Let them know that you have nothing against their hobby, but you do have a business to run. If the skateboarders are young, try to talk with their parents, too.

Call for police assistance if you see a group of skateboarders using your handrails to do tricks despite the "No Skateboarding" sign you put up and the talk you already had with them. It's much more effective if a police officer tells the skateboarders to leave than it is for you to yell at them.

Purchase products that will help deter skateboarders from using your handrails to do tricks. Companies such as StopAGrind offer products that can be mounted on your handrails to make it difficult or impossible for skateboarders to use them for tricks.

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