Saturday 17 December 2016

What Are Skateboards Made Of

The skateboarding board production process includes four major steps, including the bonding of the veneers; the drilling and shaping of the board; the adding of the finishing touches for looks, and for protection; and adding on the trucks and wheels. The manufacturing process ensures the flexibility and durability of the board, so that it can flex and bend and yet remain intact.

Bonding of the Veneers
The construction of a skateboarding board begins with a stack of several thin sheets of wood, called veneers, which are bonded together to create the board. Less expensive boards are manufactured using fewer and thinner veneers. More expensive boards are constructed with more veneers and ones that are made from better-quality wood, like sugar maple. The two individual veneers with sides visible to the outside are sanded. Each side of the other veneers is coated with a polyvinyl glue, which is designed to withstand vibration and shock. With the glue applied in between each individual veneer, the entire stack, which is about as thick as five skateboards, is placed into a mold with a hydraulic press, which produces about 300 psi of pressure to compress the veneers and bend them to the shape. The molds vary depending on the design and model of the board. The stack of veneers is allowed to set to the mold and together they create a rectangular-shaped board.

Drilling and Shaping
Two sets of four holes -- through which the trucks will be mounted -- are drilled into the rectangular-shaped board. The board is then roughly cut into the shape of a skateboard, typically done by hand with the help of a template and band saw. The board is then fine-contoured individually by using a cutting board. The top and bottom ends are sanded and then the entire board is buffed to remove any remaining loose fibers.

Finishing Touches
The final touches of the skateboard production process include sealing, priming, painting and the application of graphics. The sealant, which helps protect the board, is applied to the board first. Once the sealant dries, in two hours or so, a colorless primer is applied to the board to ensure the final paint goes on evenly. After another two hours of dry time for the primer, the final paint is applied. If the board is going to have any graphic designs, the designs are first printed onto plastic sheets and then applied to the board with heat.

Assembling the Skateboard
Once completed, the skateboard is then mounted with two trucks. Trucks, which are responsible for allowing you to steer on a skateboard, are mounted under the board with the help of bolts and the previously drilled holes. Each truck features a base plate -- which mounts to the base of the board -- and an axle that pivots, swings in a predefined arc when you lean on the board and allows you to turn. On the ends of the axle of each truck are places to attach the four wheels with washers and a lock nut.

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