Wednesday 25 January 2017

List of Different Red Gems

For fans of the color red, a variety of gemstones in shades ranging from red-orange to deep red exist to satisfy any desire for red-colored jewelry and accessories. Red gemstones appear in many different environments and can be purchased at many price levels. The stones described here are just some of the red gemstones in existence.

The ruby is a type of corundum, a typically six-sided stone that comes in a variety of colors. The red color of the ruby comes from chromium, which is substituted for the aluminum commonly found in corundum. The ruby is classified as an oxide. The hardness of a ruby is nine and the specific gravity is four.

Garnet stones come in a variety of colors, including red. The red forms of garnet have several classifications, including almandite and pyrope. Garnets are classified as nesosilicates. Garnets have a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 and a specific gravity of 3.5 to 4.3.

Red Beryl Bixbite
The beryl classification of gemstones includes emerald, aquamarine and bixbite, a rare red form of the stone. This form was discovered in the Wah Mountains, in Utah. Beryls are classified as cyclosilicates, and have a hardness of 7.5 to 8 with a specific gravity of 2.63 to 2.8.

Spinel is a stone commonly mistaken for a ruby, due to its similar coloring and appearance. However, this gem is a part of a different gemstone family, even though it is an oxide like a ruby. Spinel also comes in a variety of colors, like other varieties of corundum. Spinel has a hardness of eight and a specific gravity of 3.58.

Cinnabar is a blood-red stone that is also the only ore of mercury. This stone is very rare and is usually found near hot springs or recently erupted volcanoes. It is classified as a sulfide. Cinnabar has a hardness of 2 to 2.5 and a specific gravity of 8.1.

Cuprite is a red-colored transparent copper ore. The red color in cuprite ranges from carmine red to red-brown. The stone is classified as an oxide and has a hardness of 3.5 to 4. The specific gravity of cuprite is 6.14.

Pyragyrate is a gemstone with several variations in color. It may appear in a deep ruby red or as a black with dark red reflections. Pyragyrate is a sulfosalt. It has a hardness of 2.5 and a specific gravity of 5.85.

Proustite is commonly found with pyragyrate nearby. It was named for French chemist Joseph Louis Proust. Proustite can have a blood-red color. Some stones has a scarlet streak, while others have a gray streak. Proustite is classified as a sulfosalt with a hardness of 2.5. It has a specific gravity of 5.65.

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