Monday 30 January 2017

Tips to Win Texas Hold 'Em Poker

You can win more poker hands when you play Texas Hold 'Em by perfecting your strategy. The more strategies you incorporate into your poker play, the better off you will be.

Step 1
Know the value of your poker hand, and play it accordingly.

Step 2
Play only strong hands in full table games. You will have to beat more players in this type of poker game.

Step 3
Only play loose in short-handed games, but not too loose.

Step 4
Be prepared to fold your cards most of the time. You will only play in a few hands during a long period of time.

Step 5
Know your hand odds and your pot odds before you get involved in a pot. This will tell you if it is worth continuing or not.

Step 6
Play strong hands (or high pairs) aggressively before the flop. It is better to get other players out of the hand early.

Step 7
Do not chase open-end or low-end straights. You will win more often going for high-end ones only.

Step 8
You should not play when you are not able to commit yourself 100 percent or are short on finances. It is very important to know when to quit.

Step 9
Make sure you are playing your cards and not your ego. This may sound easy, but it is a very common problem with some poker players.

Step 10
Keep an eye on other players to learn how they play. It is easiest to do this when you are not involved in the pot.

Step 11
Play your hands with confidence, even if you make a few mistakes. No poker player starts out knowing all the rules, strategies, and so on. Don't beat yourself up for a few wrong plays.

Step 12
Do not imitate other players when you play poker; understand the concepts they use instead.

Step 13
When you are holding a low pair (six or less), play very cautiously. If your hand doesn't improve on the flop, fold.

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