Friday 10 February 2017

The Artistic Things in Video Games

I have wanted to talk about this for some time now, but could not find the words to get my point across. I have seen articles and news stories over the years about how school shootings and violent children are due to violent video games. No actual evidence or research to back it up, but I cannot get angry over this. They say that they are just a child's play thing, dismiss it, and say that there is nothing positive that comes out of playing games. Every generation people find something to blame for all the bad behavior of children. People would blame books, art, movies, music, and right now video games are in the hot seat. All forms of media and art go through this before being known for the value that they give to society. Games let you experience the creativity that can be drawn in from all forms of art. You are the one who pushes the story that could have been read from a page, you make the decisions that actor is directed to make, you experience the scenery that could be viewed from a painting, and you are the one who experiences the music that is created for the game. All these types of art are brought together to make an experience that, if done correctly, can last with people forever.

I remember I as playing a game called Fallout 3 and I was given a choice. I could disarm a bomb for a town for some coin or blow up the bomb, along with the town, for more coin. Since I made the decision to save the town last time I played this time I decided to see how the game would change if I blew up the bomb. After the explosion I revisited where the town once was. There was one lone survivor. She had no idea that I blew up the town and she was still her cheerful self just thankful that I got out in time. Now I know she only survived because she gives quests in the game, but that moment stuck with me. This lonely girl who had been physically altered due to the explosion and the radiation. I have never experienced regret in such a strong way before this moment. I wanted to return to a previous save, but could not do so. I just sat there for a while and stared at the screen looking at what my actions have caused and in that single moment I was playing more than a game. I was experiencing something different. Something that I had never experienced before. Games can be more than just a child's play thing or a thing to kill time. It can express creativity and emotion like any other great work of art.

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