Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Relationship Tips in Old Age

A relationship is a unique invention of humanity.

For a relationship to succeed, it must be meaningful.

There are 3 types of ingredients needed for success of any relationship.

We can classify these ingredients as: Vital, Essential, and Desirable.

As we grow older, the body's ability to produce these ingredients diminishes,

Which affects the relationship quality.

Vital ingredient in a relationship

There is just one vital ingredient for a meaningful relationship.

A healthy brain!

A relationship with a healthy person, but inactive brain,

A vegetative state,

Is an exercise in futility.

There is no meaningful interaction, to share the old memories!

A person has to cherish the old memories, all alone.

Even a partially active brain is a vital ingredient for survival of a relationship.

I share 30-90 years old memories of my 94 years old father,

Affected partially by dementia.

It is an exhilarating experience.

He remembers name of his school's headmaster - a 75 year old event.

Surprisingly, he remembers arithmetical tables, up to 19.

He can't co-relate geographical location of L.A., Sacramento, and Delhi.

It doesn't matter.

He may not remember, whether he had breakfast or not and may ask for it again.

But still the relationship is meaningful.

We share old memories with pride, and pleasure.

I whisper in his ears," You are the best daddy!"

I see a smile of a contented person, on his face.

Sometimes during sleep he murmurs:

"Oh my father, I am dying!"

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