Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Family's Hygiene And Health

Do you know how many sick days are lost from work and education through poor hygiene? Let me tell you, it is massive.

How Many People Actually Wash Their Hands After Using Toilet Paper?

Most people only use a thickness of a few sheets to wipe themselves after the toilet. But research tells us that the germs in 'poop' comes through as many as 10 sheets of toilet paper. So correct hand hygiene has never been more important.

Or upgrade to bathroom bidet sprayers for a much more productive and healthier 2016 for you and all your family.

Do you know the consequences of using toilet paper and poor hand hygiene?

So many nasty illnesses start with poor hand hygiene. Salmonella, campylobacter, MRSA, flu, diarrhea and sickness, the common cold, impetigo, are just some of the viruses and infections passed between people who do not wash their hands.

Your children are most likely to get very ill from poor hand hygiene. The elderly can potentially die from food borne illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses. The unfortunate part is that many of these illnesses can be prevented by proper hand washing.

Basic Skin Hygiene Facts

Hands are the single most effective method of spreading germs. But over 50% of all workers do not know the basics of hand washing.

At least 40 percent of workers do not wash their hands often, or long enough, to protect against the spread of germs.

Approximately 65 percent of maintenance and construction workers and 47 percent of office workers wash their hands less than five times a day. The average hand washing duration is less than 10 seconds, missing important places where germs are usually found. These areas being under your fingernails and on the backs of your hands.

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