Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Link Between Epigenetics and Health

The words RESPONSIBLE and RESPONSIBILITY are two words, I feel, that need to be resurrected from the dead. These words need to be re-taught, re-learned, promoted and once again held in high-regard like they once were. Is it just me, or have you noticed that our society seems to be losing personal accountability for just about everything? I have personally witnessed and felt the effects of this, in my practice and in my surroundings, for some time now. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT" and "I'M ENTITLED" are some of the phrases and concepts that are literally destroying our civilization: morally, ethically, spiritually and physically. Solution: If each one of us would just take RESPONSIBILITY for our own little universe (family, friends, work space, home...) the ripple-effect that this would have within our society would be more significant than can be imagined. Please don't just think about this idea. Please read this e-mail to the end and act on it! Thank you.

During the last 50 years, Earth's population has increasingly been witness to: global terrorism, global warming, dwindling natural resources, over-farming/fishing, GMO's, deforestation, mass-extinction of wild-life, medication being prescribed and consumed like candy, mandatory vaccinations, and societal epidemics like welfare, morbid obesity, world hunger, income-inequality and many others. Why have all of these situations occurred? In my opinion, one of the major causes is a global pandemic known as, 'the decline of personal responsibility.'

The dictionary has many definitions for the word RESPONSIBLE. The first one fits what I feel I do as a doctor: "legally or ethically accountable for the welfare of another." When I graduated from college, I swore an oath to be responsible for anyone who seeks my care, and I feel I have never violated that oath.

There are two other definitions that fit how I feel I act in my personal life. 1) "Involving personal accountability or ability to act without guidance or superior authority." 2) "Capable of making moral or rational decisions on one's own, therefore answerable for one's behavior."

For the rest of this paper, I am going to focus on RESPONSIBILITY as it pertains to one's state of health. As for all other facets of one's life, just be honest with yourself - can I be more responsible. If you have not been applying the definitions above, within and outside, go-for-it. The people and world around you will see the positive change and acknowledge you for it - you will be setting a good example. (see exercise at the end of this e-mail)

Responsibility As It Pertains To Our State Of Health

It is my personal opinion that the vast majority of people who are experiencing health challenges either created or are actively contributing to their negative condition, knowingly or unknowingly. They may even be ignoring the fact that a health challenge exists, even though negative symptoms are present. Most will also put the responsibility, on a doctor or doctors, for their overall health status, for returning them back to good health (with drugs and/or surgeries) or to maintain their health at a certain level (with drugs and/or surgeries). All of this is, at some level, lack of personal accountability and responsibility.

Examples: If you have high 'this' or low 'that, take a pill. If it's clogged, send in Roto-Rooter. If it's too fast or too slow, take another pill. If you think there may be a problem now or in the future but aren't sure yet, take a pill, just to be on the safe side. If there's a new symptom that pops-up from taking drug A, don't stop drug A, because drug B will handle that pesky new side-effect. Fact: it's actually not a side-effect, IT'S an EFFECT. 99% of all medications ONLY activate or suppress chemical reactions within the body. Basically, pharma drugs treat symptoms, while masking the underlying condition or disease state. Pharma drugs do not rebuild or regenerate tissue - they do not CURE. Only the body itself can cure itself.

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