Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Company Web Site: 9 Tips for Lead Generation

The company website has a crucial role in inbound marketing, both in terms of generation of business contacts and the existing customer loyalty.

Find new B2B customers are a tall order and one must begin from the site to turn it into a perfect lead generation mechanism. In this article, we will tell you some tips to restructure the company's website.

Redesign the call to action
New offers
Update on the CTA post
Eliminate obstacles
Test & Optimization
Secondary call to action
Buyer's journey
Ad hoc optimization
In order for the conversion path to a foreign visitor to lead it encounters any obstacles, make sure that your company website has the potential to become the ace in the hole to find new business opportunities, starting with these 9 tips.

1) Testimonials

The basic concept is simple: people tend to conform their behavior to suit others actions assuming that these are correct. In other words, the widespread mentality is that if others do a certain thing, and I trust them, I feel entitled to do the same in return.

By applying the same philosophy to the company website, your visitors, and prospects, they will trust of other users who have downloaded content before them, have subscribed to the newsletter, and have signed a contract with the company.

Let's take an example: if you have a company blog, you'll probably have a call to action that invites you to sign up to receive updates. Why not add a sentence that communicates the number of subscribers? The reader, in this way, feels they do not want to stay out of this community and will be more inclined to enter their email address.

Another example of a witness can be one of the satisfied customers, linked from the homepage of the company website to the section of the case study. On the other hand, you can include the tweets of those who have already downloaded the eBook you are promoting from CTA to guarantee the quality of the content on the part of those who have already read.

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