Monday, 19 February 2018

Digital Nomad Lifestyle of Freedom & Adventure

Hear the words of Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group: "Choice empowers people and makes for a more content workforce.One day offices will be a thing of the past".

For the Digital Nomad, daily work in a traditional office is already a thing of the past!

Working with SW Systems or Translation

with so far about a hundred clients in near 20 countries. I have never met with my clients face-to-face; only through email, Skype, job broker websites, etc... I have been working from home offices, coffee shops, public libraries, buses, trains, hotel lobbies, rented lodgings... I have carefully planned my projects, and my travelling, to achieve a harmonious mix of business and pleasure, while securing reliable deliveries to clients... I have learned new skills of life and trade every day... I have met new people, seen new places... And truly enjoyed the Freedom & Adventure that the Digital Nomad Way of Work brought!

Freedom & Adventure

The freedom to work "Digital Nomadically": freedom to work anywhere and anytime, freedom to schedule work hours conveniently! E.g work efficiently in the relative cool of early mornings and late nights and spend a long hot mid-day break lazily exploring the surroundings.

Eye-opening learnings

from living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle of Freedom & Adventure is that things and behaviours that are taken for granted in western societies are far from self-evident in other parts of the world - such as electricity, water supply, clock and calendar, education, orderly traffic behaviour, non-corruption, business ethics, non-child labour... An open mind, a talent for reasonable adaptation, a talent to remain true to your core values yet able to accept reality, a strong integrity... are all helpful character traits for any Digital Nomad!

A dream coming true!

Initially conceived as a seemingly unreachable dream, then powerfully inspired by the famous book "The 4 Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferris, further developed after discussions with other Digital Nomads, and continuously refined during several years of real-life trials. I have developed my own unique way of working where Quality of Life goes hand-in-hand with Quality of work.

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