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Physical environment
has a big impact on the quality of life. A good environment will inspire and encourage, a poor environment will drain energy and may even become an invisible obstacle to success and happiness.
A good Digital Nomad home anywhere
Even if, for a Digital Nomad, "home" tends to change frequently, it is important to find temporary homes that fulfill your personal criteria for a good and pleasant home; to make sure that you work efficiently and can relax completely.
A separate place to work
is a good idea! That will make it easier to keep the workplace orderly, and allow complete focus on work while working. And vice-versa, allow complete relaxation when "off-work".
Clean and uncluttered environment
A Digital Nomad will probably be travelling with minimum baggage, so there should not be a lot of old memories and stuff to clutter your space. Anyway, make sure to have a simple system to store a few really important items such as passport, tickets, work material, etc; consistently in "the same place". Orderly and easy to pack and unpack; and you will never have to waste your time searching for these vital things when you need them.
Thoughts, feelings, and actions
Accept full responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions! No one can control their circumstances - but everyone can decide how to react to them. Decide for positive or negative - see an opportunity or see a problem. Thoughts have a tendency to manifest in real life. Remember: "Whether you think you can or whether you think you
Physical environment
has a big impact on the quality of life. A good environment will inspire and encourage, a poor environment will drain energy and may even become an invisible obstacle to success and happiness.
A good Digital Nomad home anywhere
Even if, for a Digital Nomad, "home" tends to change frequently, it is important to find temporary homes that fulfill your personal criteria for a good and pleasant home; to make sure that you work efficiently and can relax completely.
A separate place to work
is a good idea! That will make it easier to keep the workplace orderly, and allow complete focus on work while working. And vice-versa, allow complete relaxation when "off-work".
Clean and uncluttered environment
A Digital Nomad will probably be travelling with minimum baggage, so there should not be a lot of old memories and stuff to clutter your space. Anyway, make sure to have a simple system to store a few really important items such as passport, tickets, work material, etc; consistently in "the same place". Orderly and easy to pack and unpack; and you will never have to waste your time searching for these vital things when you need them.
Thoughts, feelings, and actions
Accept full responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions! No one can control their circumstances - but everyone can decide how to react to them. Decide for positive or negative - see an opportunity or see a problem. Thoughts have a tendency to manifest in real life. Remember: "Whether you think you can or whether you think you