Tuesday, 20 February 2018

How On-Demand Platforms Have Made Life Easier

Advancement in mobile technology has left people with demanding more features and speed in their smartphones. Whether it is about booking a hotel room or reserving a restaurant table, smpartphones have made things easier and comfortable. People can now use their iOS and Android phones, tablets and iPads to book what they want.

Likewise, the taxi industry has found a new door and Uber helped them in opening it. With a highly efficient and quality taxi app, Uber is now offering virtual taxi hire or on-demand services through which, travelers are just a few clicks away from their ride! Whether they have an appointment, have to take a flight or reach somewhere within the city, the taxi application tends to be the best option because it has revolutionized the taxi industry and has efficiently incorporated the soul of on-demand services.

When mobile users are in need of a vehicle to reach a particular place, they just have to download the taxi app, enter their location with destination and call to let the driver know about where, he/she is supposed to reach to pick up the passenger and what would be an appropriate route to bring them to the destination.

Extension of Business

After Uber has introduced their taxi application to allow travelers to hire vehicle virtually, many taxi companies have followed the trend and launched their applications. Cab Startup is one of the companies that are working to facilitate customers with their highly efficient drivers and cars. Their taxi app, as a mobile extension, is available for both iOS and Android phones, allowing users to make their booking experience effortless and easier.

Location and Maps Implementation

Taxi companies have connected their taxi applications with high quality and efficient servers that are responsible for handling multiple user requests to send their drivers at the right location. The map gives flattened representation of users' surroundings and the coordinates of their location are sent to the server that allow drivers to bring their passengers to the desired destination within a short time period.

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