Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Why You Need Somebody To Help You Make Money

Micheal Jordan had one. Alex Rodriguez had one. Puff Daddy had one. Oprah had one. All of these highly successful people and more have one thing in common. They all at some point in their life have had a life coach. They had somebody in their life who was there to give them support and advice. This person can be a family member, a friend, a teacher or even a sports coach, just somebody around you who can guide you in the way that you want to go. Concerning money, you want to go for somebody who already has money or who has made big money in the past so you can borrow their experience.

In my life I've had many mentors as I am always looking to people with more experience than me for advice on how I can become better in any area. This is the only way to truly gain loads of money in the quickest way possible, because when you borrow from the experience of somebody else, you cut out the time you lose from trial and error.

I can remember as a teen how I looked up to an older friend of mine who was strong and had big muscles. . At the time, it appeared as though he had the biggest muscles in the world outside of Hulk Hogan which led me to want some too. So I ended up asking him how to workout and he showed me which started me off on the beautiful body I have now.

Then there was my uncle who used to tell me the same story every week about a man who he knew who owned 18 apartment buildings. My uncle always used to say how easy it was to obtain and how you could gain so much money by doing this. I was so inspired by this story and others that by 24 years old, I had my first building. (It also helped a little that my uncle and my mother had already bought two houses of their own as well).

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