Saturday 10 March 2018

Guide to the Main Types of Museums

If you are looking for somewhere to spend time with your family, you might consider one of the many types of museums in your area. If you limit your thinking to the traditional art exhibits, you might think there are none nearby. Many people are unaware of fun, educational activities in their local area.


Sometimes called "living museums," zoos are collections of living animals arranged for the engagement and education of visitors. Your family learns not only about animals from exotic and not so exotic locations, but also about their habitats. Several zoos also participate in conservation programs to help conserve species that are considered threatened or endangered.

Science Centers

There are many science-based options. These centers have hands-on exhibits and are frequently geared towards a younger audience. All the areas typically have a different scientific theme. Examples include freezing shadows, space, and even digging for dinosaur bones. Families and schools alike use these facilities for learning opportunities. While these centers are highly enjoyable, they are also geared to communicate scientific principles.

Historical and Natural History

History is best learned by experiencing it, and history museums are designed to make that kind of immersive experience possible. They may mention multiple perspectives instead of a single version of events. You can find out about real people and how they lived during certain time periods. While these facilities do support multiple perspectives, they want to ensure that what they share is accurate and authentic.

Natural History centers are a little different. They still want to tell a story. However, their story isn't so much about specific people or events in history. Instead, they are geared more towards the plants, geology, climatology, and ecosystem of that specific area. This is a great place to learn about past inhabitants of the earth including dinosaurs.


Of course, art museums are one of the most commonly thought of facilities. Here you can view paintings, photographs, pottery, and other art exhibits from artists around the world. Many even have a section dedicated to local artists. If you are the creative type, or just love the creative process, these centers are probably high on your list. Unlike the other types of facilities discussed, these art exhibits are often entirely hands-off. Apart from observation, there may be very little interaction with art exhibits. That said, a featured artist may sometimes be available at events to explain her technique and inspiration.

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