Saturday 10 March 2018

How People Benefit From Stained Glass Art

I have always been interested in stained glass art since the time I was very young. At one point, I took a class and discovered that creating such beautiful masterpieces was not so easy as I had imagined. All the same, I continued to create linear designs on paper over the years and some which were in the style of Art Nouveau. It was not until I met Pierangelo Tosi, an Italian artisan, that I could appreciate the mystical and spiritual qualities of stained glass that allowed light rays to pass through it in order to glisten in my eyes. He converted a few of my drawings into brilliant glass pieces that let the light pass through them and into my enlightened mind.

There are some important steps one must take in order to make stained glass, the first of which is that of producing a simple linear design. Then the artisan must place various colors of glass on the shapes and trace the design. Each organic or geometric shape will probably be a different color. Once the design has been traced, it must be cut out with a glass cutter or dividing iron. If a face or design is to be painted, the details will be planned on the back of the glass. Then the front will be painted with a vitreous paint made of glass that can be placed in a kiln. Kilns of yesteryear used wood to heat up, but modern kilns are electric. The glass melts into the other glass so that the two become fused.

Pieces of lead strips hold the glass together. Once the pieces of glass have been painted or otherwise prepared to be part of a stained glass, they are placed on the original design and fit together like a puzzle with the leading.

As a linear artist. I can only appreciate the aspect of the light coming through these forms that have been soldiered together. I would like to stress that it is a magical experience that stimulates one's senses. The stained glass windows receive light that not only creates colors but also animated patterns of many colors that seem to dance around. This colored glass is both spiritual of God as well as mystical in the magical sense. Stained glass is a source of growth for the senses at both the physical level of the seeing eye and at the spiritual level of strong sentiment and feelings.

You can feel the magic of the warm sun's rays that pass through the windows to project dazzling colors throughout the room. If you suffer from depression and if you are a highly sensitive person, the glass in a Catholic Church or in another venue can momentarily carry you away from such worries, lifting you up into a higher realm of relaxation. Even a medallion or other small stained glass piece hanging in your window allows God's light to stimulate your mind, thus leaving you more relaxed in the same manner as a guided meditation. I would suggest concentrating on the light that passes through a stained glass artwork with both its symbolism and color.

I am quite impressed by the power of stained glass to impact spirituality, one's mind and one's thoughts. I believe that precious light arriving through such glass awakens the minds of any human being regardless of his or her faith. I have three of such medallion-sized glasses hanging on my wall above my bed. They have been hung directly on my wall to soothe me each day and to bring me peaceful relaxation.

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