Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Hyperborean Mythos - The Night of Dead Ages

From the lost scroll, 'This is an Islamic Testament of the Cadaverous Codex' from Mohammad the Dreadful, the Wizard who givith prophecy, this year of 660-years after Christ, to the 21st Century Founders of the New and perfect Islam,' I am the Wizard of the Dust, so they have called me, and I speak from my grave, I will call in this time one and many to follow him, to bring ultimate corruption to flesh and bone on earth's soil, that do not abide the treading of these words now I write: to all Christians and to all that cling onto the pant of those infidels, and to Islamic betrayers and alike, you will crumble beneath the feet of my grave... '

The cleric's name not being fully known, but was referred as Mustafa, or just plainly Wizard, and his writings have been radiocarbon tested, putting the written date of the Testament Scroll at: 645 to 650 A.D.; Muhammad dying in the year 632 A.D. and the Qur'an being standardized around 656 A. D.

The 21st Century

As they say: once read never forgotten. And out of the rubble of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Libya, came this scroll, that were originally kept for a 1000-years in the Rock Churches of Ethiopia, then brought to Syria, and hidden in some underground archives in Damascus, and read by Arch and Disdainful, leader of an Islamic movement, called Daesh's Jihadist (or Isis' War, much sounding like Satan's ancient name Iblis). Al-Baghdadi or Caliph Ibrahim (or, Amir al-Mu'minin, whom earned a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies. Upon Osama bin Laden's death, when he descended into hell, this head leader of al-Qaeda, from his ashes the demon Seth brought those very ashes to Mohammad the Dreadful codex, the Wizard's scrolls... which enhanced the gravity and sorcerer within them, and once found to manifest its self into the flesh and mind of the beholder) Thus, Al-Baghdadi reading the codex took upon himself to completely follow the Wizard's footsteps, saying to his followers, whom would in time be over 30,000-militiants, it was their inheritance from this old wise Clergy, leaving out his true identity, 'mad cleric' and in-between why not profit from it, with Syrian oil, and artifacts from Iraq and Syria, and elsewhere! The monstrously vivid world, was at his side, in addition so was Tartarus, in creating a sporadic war, he would create a migrant crisis for Europe likewise in the meantime: turkey, Greece, the whole Middle East, this flowed in his mind like wine, and he'd work with multiple combinations like the tail fin movement of the fish, with an amphibious angle. And why not create tensions between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims, although the Sunni population was 90% of the Muslims, and the Shiite 10 to 15%, yet that little 15% percent, includes Chaotic Iran (along with Syria, Yemen, Nigeria being part of Daesh's internal interests, and Lebanon), and worldwide, over 200-million Muslims, out of 1.6 billion. Create regional rivalry, its roots were already in place, the Sunni and Shia disciplines, and differences of Islam went back 1,400-years. It all started when Muhammad died, and debate emerged about who should be his successor. Like two pigs in a blanket, when there is only room for one. If possible, like the cleric is crying from his grave, Al-Baghdadi, felt he needed to create a genocide if possible. And thus, his work was cut out for him.

((Interlude: so what is the difference between the Sunni and Shiites? The Shiites believe the successor to Muhammad must be part of his bloodline, whereas the Sunnis feel only the most pious individual should be chosen, who follows the prophet's traditions, customs. Saudi Arabia being mostly Sunni) (on the other hand, they both read the Qur'an; both believe Allah is the one true God, Muhammad the messenger. So we see the rivalry is not over religious doctrine per se, but rather political leadership. And IS's true name, being Daesh or Da'ish: acronym: Isil; Daesh= to tread underfoot, or to crush! The United States Government placed a reward of US $10-million dollars for information leading to the capture or death of Caliph Ibrahim, October, 2011, as a Global Terrorist; in June 2014, Al-Baghdadi received his other name Caliph Ibrahim. Wounded in January of 2015, and now fled to Mosul, and perhaps some other place, he lives like a mole in a hole, but this is prophecy after death; and perhaps he is and perhaps he is in that category at present. Perhaps we should know call him Al-Mosul? And so we have a story to finish... ))

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