Friday, 9 March 2018

The Joy of Learning

When I was 6 years old, my parents decided to send me to the school together with my older sister. They were very busy, so they wanted to save time and effort by sending us together to the same class. School was very boring to me, and I didn't want to spend too much time on the school's stuff either, so it worked for me. I hardly ever did my homework. My parents assumed that my older sister kept an eye on me, but she was busy too (with whatever), so she would just let me copy her homework when she was done with it. My family saved a lot time. With the time I saved, I was free to climb the trees, play sports and carve wood, so the plan to send me to school a year earlier worked perfectly. The only things that suffered from this time-saving-superb-plan ware my math skills. I never quite learned them.

A few years ago, when I started taking piano lessons, I realized that I enjoy practicing music. It was a lot of effort at first, and at times it felt like I was making very little progress, but overtime it became a little easier and more enjoyable. Since I love learning new things, one day I've decided that I wanted to learn math. I realized that I could learn math the same way I'm learning piano. Math is a skill and piano-playing is a skill too, so I thought that if I just practice it the same way I practice piano, I should be able to learn it. I became to believe that it is not a matter of having or not having a talent. It is a matter of practicing the skill, so I've got to work, took few math classes and earned good grades.

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