Why the heck am I picking a fight with "Heart-Centered Business"? You may ask.
It's not a stunt to offend people and get attention.
I am a sucker for words and I believe that words we use in our communication serve way more than getting the point through. Our choice of words can shape our thoughts - it's a feedback system - as we hear ourselves use certain words, we further interpret what that means and use that as evidence to define our value, our perspective, our beliefs.
I care about the meaning behind words we use. Spoken, written or thought. I get really triggered when people throw around buzzwords, catch phrases and labels without carefully considering their meanings - in general and in that particular context.
Labels, when used indiscriminately and without clear intention, can limit our possibilities and become prison bars that define how we are supposed to behave.
"Heart-Centered Business" is one of those labels that trigger an allergic reaction in me. It has become a cliché marketing word that many people toss around without first clearly defining what it means for them.
I am not going to focus on how it's being abused in the "marketing" context in this post. Instead, I want to unpack how the adoption of this term by coaches and service providers in certain industries or fields of expertise to describe their business is actually limiting their potential and possibilities, and may actually doing them a disservice.
I want to challenge you to think deeper, be more intentional.
Is It Too Unilaterally "Love and Light"?
The Heart wants to love. The Heart chases the light. It's a beautiful thing.
It also has the tendency to avoid asking the hard questions - not a judgment of good or bad, it's its job for being the Heart. The Heart wants to make people happy, so it doesn't want to offend with hard-to-swallow truth.
Except for a very rare few, most people need to go deeper, darker before they can emerge with their Truth. Been there, done that. No rainbow and unicorn could have pulled that off for me.
"Love and light" is not bad, we need that. However, if we put focus solely on it (or sending that message through labeling the business as such), are we negating a big chunk of our human existence/condition? Is it overlooking a big part of us that if we keep buried or unacknowledged, will crop up unexpectedly and derail us from our purpose (like a sulking kid who misbehaves to seek attention)?
Is it grounded enough to make sh!t happen?
We have all lived our lives, have fallen and gotten back up, been bruised and hurt. Marks have been left, and if a wound or a darkness is not properly addressed, it will fester.
It's not a stunt to offend people and get attention.
I am a sucker for words and I believe that words we use in our communication serve way more than getting the point through. Our choice of words can shape our thoughts - it's a feedback system - as we hear ourselves use certain words, we further interpret what that means and use that as evidence to define our value, our perspective, our beliefs.
I care about the meaning behind words we use. Spoken, written or thought. I get really triggered when people throw around buzzwords, catch phrases and labels without carefully considering their meanings - in general and in that particular context.
Labels, when used indiscriminately and without clear intention, can limit our possibilities and become prison bars that define how we are supposed to behave.
"Heart-Centered Business" is one of those labels that trigger an allergic reaction in me. It has become a cliché marketing word that many people toss around without first clearly defining what it means for them.
I am not going to focus on how it's being abused in the "marketing" context in this post. Instead, I want to unpack how the adoption of this term by coaches and service providers in certain industries or fields of expertise to describe their business is actually limiting their potential and possibilities, and may actually doing them a disservice.
I want to challenge you to think deeper, be more intentional.
Is It Too Unilaterally "Love and Light"?
The Heart wants to love. The Heart chases the light. It's a beautiful thing.
It also has the tendency to avoid asking the hard questions - not a judgment of good or bad, it's its job for being the Heart. The Heart wants to make people happy, so it doesn't want to offend with hard-to-swallow truth.
Except for a very rare few, most people need to go deeper, darker before they can emerge with their Truth. Been there, done that. No rainbow and unicorn could have pulled that off for me.
"Love and light" is not bad, we need that. However, if we put focus solely on it (or sending that message through labeling the business as such), are we negating a big chunk of our human existence/condition? Is it overlooking a big part of us that if we keep buried or unacknowledged, will crop up unexpectedly and derail us from our purpose (like a sulking kid who misbehaves to seek attention)?
Is it grounded enough to make sh!t happen?
We have all lived our lives, have fallen and gotten back up, been bruised and hurt. Marks have been left, and if a wound or a darkness is not properly addressed, it will fester.