Thursday 7 June 2018

Meet Your Girlfriend on Low Budget

If you sometimes think you are coaching the uncoachable, you are probably right. Some people just aren't willing to be coached. They think they are - they seek out coaches, spend money on coaching, show up to all their sessions, and expect results. However, not everyone can be coached.

For a coach, an uncoachable client is still a paying client. No one wants to jettison a source of income, but if you really feel someone can't be coached, it is time to let them go. Coaches passionately want to help, but if you aren't helping, it is certainly not worth the money to be wasting both your time and the client's time. Coaches certainly like to make money, but they also genuinely want to help their clients reach positive outcomes.

However, just because someone seems uncoachable, does it really mean they are? Or have you just not found the right pathway to success with these hard-to-coach clients?

What is an Uncoachable Client?

By its very definition, an uncoachable client is one that can't be coached. An uncoachable client is rigid, stubborn, and resistant to any advice or help. An uncoachable client never exhibits any progress. An uncoachable client waits for you to provide the answers. However, before you completely decide that your coaching has nothing to offer someone, one aspect of the definition of coaching should be addressed.

What is Coaching?

There are many definitions of coaching, and every coach has heard them all. However, coaches and clients sometime fall into the trap that coaching is something that coaches do to their clients. However, coaching is really something that coaches do with the clients. You are a partner with your clients and you work with them to identify, clarify, satisfy their dreams and goals.

4 Keys to Coaching the Uncoachable Client

1. The first step is to truly identify those who are uncoachable. Yes, they do exist. However, many clients who may initially appear to be uncoachable are actually quite coachable. You just have to find their triggers and find ways to earn their trust. Don't give up too easily.

2. Once you have decided that someone is coachable, it is important to have patience. Patience is definitely a virtue in the coaching world. It takes time to build trust, to delve deeper into an individual's soul, and to bring out the best in each client. It takes patience to let the process work.

3. The next step is to trust your education and experience. Use all of your learned skills and accumulated knowledge to help each client find solutions and outcomes. Use everything you have learned as a coach to make it work.

4. The last step is to find out what truly inspires and motivates each client. This will require your patience, your skills and knowledge, and your innate ability as a coach to ask questions and actively listen for the answers. Each client holds the answer to their own questions - it is up to you as a coach to help them unlock those answers and apply them to their desires.

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