Thursday 7 June 2018

Taylor Swift's Secrets To Stay Fit

A couple of weeks ago, I checked the stats and saw an interesting comment from an unsubscriber.

She wrote, "I am not sure what I am supposed to get out of this."

Maybe she was expecting "7 easy tips to xyz" or "5 simple steps to abc" - then sorry, I am not your gal. I truly believe our business can embody flow and ease... but only if we are willing to sit through the fire and uncover our Truth, and how we choose to express it. There is no free lunch.

(By the way, you get what you want to get out of it - we all have different frames of reference. In my world, you are NOT "supposed" to do anything.)

True, I do write about my experience often but it's no ego trip - after all, I am sharing with you my own evolution - heartbreaks, tears and sweat - real time.

I write about it when the wound is still raw and the emotions are still flowing. I am not sitting pretty on a pedestal and showing off a sterilized version of "how I made 5 figures last month."

Every time I sit down to write something so vulnerable, I want to puke.

I don't do it just for kicks.

My experience may be individual, but the undercurrent of emotions, fears, desires, is not. They are universal.

They are human conditions.

Unless you are some alien species, these stuff will come up in your life and business in one form or another, as your own individual expression. I am hoping you can relate to my experience, and cultivate the awareness to realize where in your life that these blocks and hurdles are happening too.

I am hoping that you can cultivate the awareness, so you can be intentional when choosing your actions, instead of being swept into the "should's" of the world.


In an earlier article, I wrote about discovering a part of me that was holding ME back from stepping up and owning my big ass vision - my next chapter. There was a wall blocking me from seeing it.

I realized I have an expectation/disappointment issue. My way of dealing with disappointment has been to walk away. I have been protecting myself from being hurt by "walking away" from flakes and situations that I believed would let me down.

It's OK when dealing with other people, but it becomes problematic when I am dealing with myself this way.

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