Sunday 8 July 2018

About Downloadable Information Products

How do you know what format to use for your Information products? Most products today are downloadable. Not long ago, products were sent in a box... that means they were sent, or mailed in the mail.

The internet has changed everything for information marketers. We can download things now.

When we mail, there are binders and CDs and DVDs, or if you go farther back, there used to be cassette and VHS in the courses.

Now, most things are downloadable.

The question is do you want to do everything downloadable, or are there some things that you still want to send? Or, maybe what's right for you is some combination of downloads and sending things in the mail.

There are a lot of ways to do downloadable products. The biggest advantage to downloadable is, it's inexpensive. Once you set up the page where the product is, then it's up, and it's there. Now, you just sell them. There's no shipping, no duplication house, no extras. You simply send them a link for them to go get the course.

Video is a popular now. Video is more interactive. Even so, there are still people who don't like video and prefer audio. Some people don't want to sit in front of their computer to watch video. Many people love video.

The great thing about the digital format is it doesn't take much to put audio up with video and give people the option, or to just give them both. You can give them access to both audio and video right there on the web page.

It's a good idea to include some things in a written format - like checklists, templates and things like that. You can provide those things in a PDF format very easily.

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