Sunday, 8 July 2018

Creating Clients for Life - Thank You

As a parent of four daughters, my wife and I have focused our children on the art of sending thank you notes. We started them at a young age that included a cute piece of paper with crayons through their teens with a formal card and well thought out hand written message. It included birthdays, graduations, recent wedding, and the unusual when a nice gesture was done for them.

As we move into our business careers, many of us forget about that lost art and the powerful impact it still has vs. an electronic email. It is definitely a strategy that can set you apart. As real estate professionals there are many opportunities to drop a thank you card. I have even seen some studies that indicate a person who receives a thank you card will share it with 3 other people.

Make it part of your daily routine to send out at least 5 thank you cards per day and increase it as your business increases. Types of Thank You notes include:

Purchased a Home - This is the most obvious and the start of the process to create that long term referral. Don't forget to offer your availability to help them if they have needs for recommendation for local services etc
Home Showing - Working with buyers requires time and patience. Why not send that thank you for the opportunity to show them a home and reinforcing your skills and enthusiasm to continue to find the client their dream home
Listing - Thanking that home owner for selecting you and remind them on why they did select you along with some of the marketing already in place.
Referrals - We all work for referral, so thanking that customer for a referral, whether or not that referral selected you will continue to bear future fruits
Listing Appointments - Meeting with homeowners that are looking to make that decision to sell their home requires the thank you be sent immediately. Timing becomes critical. Pick that one moment from the meeting that you felt you connected with the home owners and include that in your note
Cold Calling/Prospecting - When meeting someone for the first time, and follow-up with a thank you for their time and offer them a personal contact method.

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