Sunday 8 July 2018

Run a Profitable Business With

The first thing we need to understand is that most of us have been brought up with the idea that we have to work hard. I'm not necessarily talking about our workday, although that's part of it. We're taught to work long hours along with working hard around the house and filling up every minute of every day. We're not taught to take time for ourselves and take breaks. We're definitely not taught that this time is vital, for it's when we can connect to ourselves and the divine energy there to support us that the magic happens. When we give ourselves this time, it's when our best creative ideas come forth and we gain clarity over our lives. This builds confidence in our selves and trust in the universe. We're definitely not taught that. So we need to understand we have a lot of reprogramming to do. Reprogramming of old beliefs and structures on how we operate our lives.

Start to notice when you're at your best. Think of a time when you were happy and everything was flowing. What took place in order to put you in that state? A good night sleep, coffee with a friend, time for yourself to read a book or garden? Really think about this. What was happening in your life to make you so happy?

Start to incorporate more and more of this into your life. Start weekly if you're not already and then move into a daily routine. My daily routine has become such a strong part of my life that if I don't do it, I feel completely off energetically. Not a good place to make things happen from.

Get help and support where you can. There is just no way you can run a lucrative business without getting the support you need. This is something else we're not taught to do. We're taught to handle everything on our own. Like we'll get some type of merit badge for all of the things we've accomplished during the day. I hate to break to you, but there is no badge coming. I learned that the hard way, after years of trying to do it all myself. You will burn out, that's the reality. I can tell you first hand; it's heaven on earth to get the support in place to give you the help you need. A lot of people have a hard time with this. They think they can't afford it. Well, I've learned that you don't need the funds until you make the decision. You are an entrepreneur, a business owner, your earning capacity is unlimited. Of course you can make it work. You just have to decide.

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