Remote temperature monitoring equipment is a smart and safe way to avoid risking damage to your goods. Through the use of wireless temperature monitoring, you can have confidence that your products will stay in top quality condition, whether they are in storage, or on the move- from the point of origin to the point of destination. The following is a list of 3 benefits you can expect with your new purchase of remote temperature monitoring equipment.
Cost Savings
If you are in the business of transporting goods, then you know how important it is to deliver top-of-the line products in peak condition to your customers. If your refrigeration equipment is subpar or not working properly, you could lose thousands of dollars in spoiled products, destroy future transactions with clients, and gain a bad association with your company name. When shipping goods that have a sensitive expiration date there is little room for error. With fresh produce, for example, you cannot let your food spoil. If that does happen, the food will need to be drastically marked down in price, or worse, thrown away. If you are shipping or storing items that need a specific temperature maintained, even a few degrees higher or lower can make a world of difference. This is especially true with pharmaceutical products, and by not having remote temperature monitoring equipment, you put your company at a great risk.
Multiple Features
With remote temperature monitoring you can expect certain features such as:
• Easy-to-use software
• E-mail and text message alarms in the event of any issues or complications
• Automatic email reporting, according to your specific needs, or the needs of your clients
• Cloud based solutions which allow for simple login with any device that has a web connection, such as a PC, laptop or smartphone
• Traceable history to help you comply with safety procedures and audits
• Equipment installed by fully trained staff
• Allowing your staff to monitor temperatures without having to actually enter the cold storage unit, bringing efficiency to your workplace
Cost Savings
If you are in the business of transporting goods, then you know how important it is to deliver top-of-the line products in peak condition to your customers. If your refrigeration equipment is subpar or not working properly, you could lose thousands of dollars in spoiled products, destroy future transactions with clients, and gain a bad association with your company name. When shipping goods that have a sensitive expiration date there is little room for error. With fresh produce, for example, you cannot let your food spoil. If that does happen, the food will need to be drastically marked down in price, or worse, thrown away. If you are shipping or storing items that need a specific temperature maintained, even a few degrees higher or lower can make a world of difference. This is especially true with pharmaceutical products, and by not having remote temperature monitoring equipment, you put your company at a great risk.
Multiple Features
With remote temperature monitoring you can expect certain features such as:
• Easy-to-use software
• E-mail and text message alarms in the event of any issues or complications
• Automatic email reporting, according to your specific needs, or the needs of your clients
• Cloud based solutions which allow for simple login with any device that has a web connection, such as a PC, laptop or smartphone
• Traceable history to help you comply with safety procedures and audits
• Equipment installed by fully trained staff
• Allowing your staff to monitor temperatures without having to actually enter the cold storage unit, bringing efficiency to your workplace