Friday, 31 August 2018

Project Management Objectives - 3 Tricky Areas To Consider

An overview:

Any type of interpretation of project management will tend to refer to the objectives. For example:

'The planning, control and scheduling of projects resulting in a desired outcome at the right performance, within agreed time and cost objectives.'

A mention might also be made for the scope of the project and the effective use of resources.

Objectives ought to be set as soon as possible in the project as part of an agreed financial plan. Once specified, how do you learn when you have reached them? For this you will require suitable criteria by which you can measure results.

Without any objectives a project will have limited direction.

The project management objectives could be quality, technical, performance related, budgetary or associated with other appropriate elements of the project.

Reasons for fixing objectives:

In general

Every project has a fundamental intention; more typically referred to as a goal. This will be agreed and developed from the customer and various other stakeholders. If you want to accomplish this goal, the project will be divided into a work breakdown structure (wbs) then a schedule with timelines. In this, lesser goals will be determined, that is, the objectives. By attaining every one you will move forward in the project.

Identified objectives should be unambiguous. Their explanation must be lucid and exact, so the project team all recognize what they are aiming for.

Objectives must comprise, at the very least, a verb (the action) and a noun (on which you implement the action). A straightforward instance might be, 'paint the car black'. Note that, though 'car, black' might be perfectly intelligible to you, it may not be to others. So, it is essential to be precise.

This could well indicate 'buy a black car' or a different odd interpretation. This kind of unsatisfactory interpretation can lead to added costs, project delays and maybe the loss of morale as work is carried out unnecessarily. Supplementary definition of objectives may incorporate timelines.

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