Saturday 1 September 2018

Commandments for Successful Direct Mail Marketing

Want to be better at direct mail marketing? Just follow these 10 commandments.

Thou shalt build a good list - It's all in the list. That's a common saying in marketing. If you don't have a good list that's comprised of your target audience, you're never going to see results from your direct mail marketing. You should always be trying to grow your list naturally. You need to make sure your list contains true prospects and customers, and you should segment your list to send more targeted mailings.

Thou shalt know thy audience intimately - You must know who your target audience is. Make a list of as many characteristics as you can about your ideal customer. How old are they? Where do they live? How much money do they make? What's important to them when making a purchase? What are their likes/dislikes? The more you know, the more effective your direct mail will be.

Thou shalt not make it all about thyself - Good marketing isn't about you, it's about your customer. You have to make sure you're speaking to your customers' needs. You have to make sure they understand how they will benefit and how their lives will improve by choosing to do business with you.

Thou shalt track results - If you're not tracking the results of your direct mail campaign, you may as well be throwing your money away. You have to know exactly how your campaign is performing so you can constantly tweak it and improve its performance to boost your ROI.

Thou shalt not use marketing jargon - Resist the temptation to use industry terminology and marketing speak in your direct mail pieces. Instead, speak to your customer in a clear way that they can understand. Write like you talk. It's that simple.

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