Thursday 12 December 2019

Best NCAA Basketball Scholarships

NCAA men's basketball has strict regulations on how many scholarships each team can give, and who they can give them to. A scholarship means that a particular student-athlete does not have to pay tuition, housing and book fees while enrolled at the university. These scholarships are called "full-ride" scholarships. However, a school can choose to divide its scholarships and give half or quarter scholarships to increase the amount of scholarship offers given out in a year.

Number of Scholarships
Men's Division-I teams are allowed 13 full-ride scholarships that can be broken up any way the university sees fit. You could see 26 players with half scholarships on a given team, however, it would be highly unusual. Division-II schools are allowed 10 full-ride scholarships. Women's Division-I basketball teams are allowed 15 full scholarships, while Division-II teams are allowed ten.

Eligibility Requirements
High school students applying for basketball scholarships must meet minimum requirements to become eligible for a scholarship. Athletes must graduate high school and achieve a grade-point average of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. This transfers to a "C" average. Furthermore, athletes must achieve at least an 820 on their SAT test. If students do not meet these requirements they are ineligible for an NCAA scholarship.

What is Included?
A student-athlete that receives a full scholarship should expect full tuition, housing, books and transportation to be paid for by their university. Partial scholarship student-athletes can expect to have some of each paid for by their school. Exactly how much of each amenity is to be determined by the student and the school.

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