Sunday 8 December 2019

The Casino Solitaire Game Rules

Solitaire is typically known as a popular recreational game played to pass time, but it also has been converted into a casino game that allows a player to win up to four times the amount of money he bets. The rules for casino solitaire are different from standard solitaire, and a player does not need to clear the entire board to “win.”

Buying In
The most notable difference between casino rules solitaire and home solitaire is that players are competing to win money and as such need to buy into the game before any cards are dealt. The cost of a single game of solitaire will usually be a multiple of 52, since this makes it easy to determine payouts on cards you successfully move from the playing area to the four suit piles above the playing area. For example, a game might cost $1.04, meaning a player is essentially paying 2 cents for each of the 52 cards.

When dealing in home solitaire, many players allow themselves to deal each of the cards from the deck as many times as needed until they have won or hit a stalemate. In casino solitaire, players are limited to a certain number of turns dealing the deck of cards. In single-draw solitaire, the player may only deal through the deck once, meaning once a card has been dealt from the deck and had another card dealt on top of it, the it can be played only if all of the cards dealt atop it are also played, making it the top card in the dealing pile again. For example, a player turns over a 10 of spades but can't play it. He then turns over a king of hearts. If he can play the king, he gets another chance to play the 10. If he can't, he must play the next card after the king, then the king, before he can get back to the 10. In triple draw solitaire, the player is allowed to deal the entire deck three times, meaning if a card is buried during one of the first two times through the deck, it might still be playable on a later dealing; on the third play through, though, the player will have to clear all the cards on top of it, as in single draw.

For each card a player successfully removes from the playing area into one of the suit piles, he receives four times the original cost of the card. For example, if the deck cost him $1.04 (2 cents per card) and he removes 13 cards into the suit piles, he breaks even (13 times 8 cents). A player removing fewer than 13 cards will lose money, whereas one who removes more than 13 will gain.

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