Tuesday 28 July 2015

Avoid Moving In With Girlfriend

Sometimes when you and your girl have been together for a while, she usually ask for more commitment from you and she might persuade or treat you in a way that make you feel comfortable in her pad and asked you to move in with her. If you think you are not ready, here are some how-to's to avoid it.

When your girlfriend start talking about future. You should tell her that you are not ready and still focusing to reach your career and financial goal before going into a much deeper relationship. Tell her that you want to provide your girlfriend with the best atmosphere possible when you have reached that goal.

Never leave too much of your pesonal belongings in her pad such as towel, toothbrush, hair gel, shaver, etc. That might give your girlfriend the feeling that you are ready to move in with her.

If she gave you her key to feed her kitten or water the plant, accept it but then return it once she came back to town or leave it in her house "accidently" next time.

Even if you are a neat freak, don't show your true self: leave dirty clothes, socks in your room and only clean up when necessary. Most girls don't like dirty clothes on the floor, they will think twice before asked you to move-in after they saw it, although don't over do it unless you want her to disgust you.

Complaint about her pad when you are in her place once in a while.

Emphasizes "home" as your house or apartment. Say something like, "Let's head out to your place for a while, but then I need to go home before 11 PM". This will show her that you still refer your place as your home.

Don't spend too much time in her pad, your girlfriend should spend more time in your pad + outside instead of her pad.

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