Tuesday 28 July 2015

Pick Someone Up in a Bar

Picking someone up in a bar doesn't require a big show. You're better off being yourself and staying cool. Don't act desperate and, above all else, don't order any of those drinks with the little umbrellas in them.

Scout the room. Find a spot in the bar where you can take in the entire scene. Casually glance around until you see someone you'd like to pick up.

Move in a little closer. Locate a spot within the person's line of sight, but not too close or in direct sight. Stay over to one side, but visible. Let that person discover you.

Make initial eye contact with the person. Casually catch the eye of the person you want to pick up. Do not stare, as this may come across as a little scary. Glance just long enough to determine if this person might be interested in you as well. Smile and look away if you get a positive reaction.

Buy the person a drink. Ask the bartender or waitress to give the person any drink they want. Don't send over a drink that you picked out. Let the person choose their own drink.

Make eye contact again when the drink is served. See if the person responds favorably. A smile or other positive body language is a good thing. If you get no reaction right away, wait a while.

Make your move if you get a positive response. Be casual about it, but don't wait too long. Introduce yourself without any smooth lines, which could seem unintentionally funny. An exception is if you want to be intentionally funny with an obviously hokey pickup line.

Act natural. Be yourself and try not to speak too loudly or arrogantly. Ask questions to indicate your interested in finding out more about this person. But keep it light, asking about careers and interests. Don't get too personal right away.

Close the deal. Confidently ask for what you want and you are likely to get it. Suggest the two of you go to another bar, a late night eatery or a coffee shop. Choose a place that isn't too crowded or noisy, so you can get to know each other, but don't pick a place that is nearly deserted. This person doesn't know you and you want them to feel safe.

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