Tuesday 28 July 2015

Become a Hot Blonde

If you want to become a hot blonde, be prepared for a lot of practicing and a lot of work. Whether you are looking for a permanent change or simply want to impress somebody at a party or event, there are some things that go along with looking hot and turning heads. Read on to learn more.

Strike a pose. Having the right attitude goes a long way when striving to become a hot blonde. Be confident when entering a room and people will notice you. Walk upright, with firm steps, head up. Arch your back slightly when standing and always keep your legs seductively crossed when you are sitting.

Revamp your wardrobe. Get rid of anything that looks too formal, too constrictive or too proper. Instead, opt for tight sweaters and short skirts. Wear heels as much as possible--with anything. In winter, choose bright colors for accessories and outerwear, so you can still command attention even though you can't wear anything too revealing.

Get in shape. A hot blonde wardrobe usually consists of midriff-baring t-shirts and very short skirts. Unless you have good muscle definition and are properly proportioned, this type of clothing may not suit you. If you can, join the gym. If not, get some DVDs or dumbbells to work out at home, and add some running or bike riding for added intensity.

Change your hair. If you have dark hair, letting a professional do highlights is the best way for you to look like a natural blonde. If you already have light hair, you can opt for full coloring to turn it even blonder. Don't forget to style it also. A hot blonde always looks like she just stepped out of a beauty salon.

Always wear makeup. You don't need to overdo it, but never step out of the house with a clean face. It could ruin your image! At a minimum, wear some mascara and lip gloss in summer. In winter, you may also need base or powder.

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