Driving a Toyota Prius is a lot like driving most other automatic transmission cars. The Prius differs from conventional vehicles, however, in that it is a hybrid electric car. Some are keyless, and all have a "Park" button as opposed to a gear of that name on the gear shift. While this might be unfamiliar and maybe even a little confusing, driving a Prius is actually very straightforward with a little practice.
Sit down in the driver's seat and insert the rectangular-shaped key into the ignition slot. Some Priuses do not have a key at all. In this case, you make skip this step and begin with Step 2.
Push down on the brake pedal and press the "Power" button. The "Ready" light will come on. With a Prius, you must always step on the brake firmly before starting the engine. The engine will not start if you do not press the brake first.
Depress the parking brake to disengage it. If the parking brake is already disengaged, you may skip this step.
Put the Prius in gear with the joystick-like gear shift. Choose reverse or drive, depending on which direction you'd like the car to travel.
Press the floor pedal on your right (the gas pedal) to move the Prius, and the floor pedal on your left (the brake) to stop, just like driving any other car.
Put the gear shift in the neutral position (N) when you've reached your destination and wish to put the Prius in "Park." Then simply press the "Park" button above the gear shift. Note that unlike most cars, "Park" is not on the gear shift.
Sit down in the driver's seat and insert the rectangular-shaped key into the ignition slot. Some Priuses do not have a key at all. In this case, you make skip this step and begin with Step 2.
Push down on the brake pedal and press the "Power" button. The "Ready" light will come on. With a Prius, you must always step on the brake firmly before starting the engine. The engine will not start if you do not press the brake first.
Depress the parking brake to disengage it. If the parking brake is already disengaged, you may skip this step.
Put the Prius in gear with the joystick-like gear shift. Choose reverse or drive, depending on which direction you'd like the car to travel.
Press the floor pedal on your right (the gas pedal) to move the Prius, and the floor pedal on your left (the brake) to stop, just like driving any other car.
Put the gear shift in the neutral position (N) when you've reached your destination and wish to put the Prius in "Park." Then simply press the "Park" button above the gear shift. Note that unlike most cars, "Park" is not on the gear shift.