Monday, 27 July 2015

Improve 2WD Truck Traction

Two-wheel drive pickup trucks are not known for providing the best on- or off-road traction. Although most of a pickup truck's weight is on the front end, the majority of two-wheel drive trucks are rear-wheel drive, which means they are powered from the back and push the front end. Because the weight of the front end is significantly more than the weight of the back end, the vehicle has a tendency to lose traction on slick or unstable surfaces.

Keep your tires in good condition. Bald, worn out tires with minimal tread are far more likely to lose traction on the roadway than tires that are in good condition with plenty of tread left. If you are concerned about your truck's traction, it may be a good idea to get new tires when the existing tires are halfway through their manufacturer expected mileage lifetime.

Maintain your vehicle's braking systems properly. Vehicles with bad brakes are more likely to break traction and slide when stopping.

Add weight to the bed of your truck. Some drivers actually put sand bags in the rear of truck beds directly above the rear axle in order to add weight to pick up trucks. You can also add weight with a camper shell or truck bed cover. Just be aware that increased vehicle weight will decrease your fuel mileage slightly.

Purchase a truck with a traction control system. Newer pickup trucks can be purchased with computer-controlled traction control that reduces the likelihood of your truck losing traction. Depending on the make and model of truck you have, you may also be able to purchase upgraded traction control bars and systems for your truck.

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