Tuesday 28 July 2015

Impress Your Boyfriends Mother

For many people, meeting a boyfriend's mother can be a nerve-wracking experience. The impression that you make on her will not only affect her opinion about your relationship with her son, but it could also affect the connection between you and your boyfriend. It's natural to be nervous about wanting to start off on the right foot with your boyfriend's mother, but with some forethought you should be able to impress her.

Dress to Impress
When you meet someone, the first thing she's likely going to notice about you is your appearance. So while you’re getting dressed to spend time with his mom, think about the message she might get from your clothing. On her website, reality show star and fashion guru Lauren Conrad suggests that you tailor your look for the occasion, and think adjectives like "classic" and "put-together." However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be yourself. In fact, Conrad recommends that you incorporate your personal style into your outfit, and ensure you're comfortable in whatever you're wearing.

Show Interest
One guaranteed way to impress his mother is by simply showing interest in her, suggests "Seventeen" magazine writer Michelle Toglia in "How to: Make a Good Impression on Your Boyfriend's Family." You can do this by asking her questions and then showing her that you've been paying attention to the answers by following up next time -- "Hey, how'd your job presentation go?" Treat the time you spend with your boyfriend’s mother as time spent getting to know someone who is important to the guy you care about. Show her that you’re not just interested in her son, but that you’re a polite, friendly person who cares about getting to know the family he loves.

Avoid Sensitive Topics
It’s generally a good rule of thumb to avoid bringing up sensitive topics like religion, politics and money. However, you can’t stop other people from broaching these subjects on their own. If his mom does bring up a sensitive issue, give an honest, tactful answer in a way that won’t start an argument. If she asks who you’re voting for, for instance, and you want to answer, Toglia recommends saying something like, “Both candidates have legitimate platforms,” and then finishing off your response by briefly mentioning what it is you like about the candidate you support.

Show You Really Care
In the end, all moms want the same thing: for their much-loved sons to be happy. So, showing his mom how much you care about her son can go a long way in impressing her and helping her to accept you. Show her that you’re happy to be with him and that you are concerned about his well-being and happiness in return. However, avoid any playful bantering in front of his mom; she may not get the jokes, which could land you on her bad side.

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