Tuesday 28 July 2015

Respond to Cheesy Pick-Up Lines

Whether it's inquiring about your astrological sign or asking if they can borrow some spare change so he can call his mom and tell her he found the woman of his dreams, nothing ruins a fun evening faster than a cheesy pick-up line from a stranger. How do you make sure he knows you're not interested without being downright unpleasant? Here are some tips to help you respond.

Be equally cheesy. If he uses the line asking for spare change, tell him that you're priceless. You may find that responding with a retort that is just as cheesy will make the person hitting on you realize how ridiculous he sounds. It will either make him drop the act and talk to you for real or get embarrassed and give up, but either way it lets him know that you're on to him, and the lines aren't working.

Get married. Nothing scares a flirty barfly away faster than a wedding ring. Respond to his cheesy pick-up line by flashing your ring finger and watch how quickly he changes his tone. If you're single, keep a nice ring in your purse or pocket to slip on your finger in those cheesy situations.

Make friends with the bartender. If you are at the bar by yourself be friendly to the bartenders so that they remember you. A lot of nice bartenders notice when you are alone and make sure that they take care of you when you need another drink and look out for you if anyone is bothering you. If the flirtatious stranger is overly persistent, a conscientious bartender notices that you are being bothered and asks if you're okay.

Buy your own drinks. Allowing people to buy you a drink after they come on to you with an uninvited pick-up line only encourages them and makes them think that you're interested or that they have a chance with you. Buy your own drinks and food so the pickup artists are aware that you are taking care of yourself and that you do not want anything from them.

Remain firm. If you've told the person that you're not interested, don't waver. Being nice or telling him no and then being flirtatious in the interest of letting them down easily will not help. Say no and keep saying no. Chances are good that he eventually gets the point and looks elsewhere. If he doesn't and he is still aggressively bothering you, help him understand with the assistance of the bartender or a bouncer.

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