Tuesday 28 July 2015

Ways to Take Her Breath Away

Many men are clueless when it comes to wooing a woman. They often think that flowers and gifts will knock her off her feet--sometimes they do--but there is more to meeting and exceeding a women's needs than just giving gifts. Here are a few tips on how to really take her breath away.

Know that every woman is an individual. Sure, there are some things that will work for most women universally, but assuming that is true for each of these suggestions is just insulting. The woman that you are trying to impress is not a cookie-cutter copy of every one before. If this is the beginning of the relationship, start paying attention to the things she cares about and the way she expresses affection. If you have been married for 20 years, do the same thing.

Pay attention to what she says. Ask her questions about the things that she is passionate about. Show interest in the things that interest her.

Show her that you listen. By remembering details about things she has mentioned, you can show her that you care. The little things go a long way. For instance, if she casually mentions that she hates pulp in her orange juice or likes to have the window seat on a plane, you can score big points by showing her that you remember those things later.

Woo her with words. It has been said that men fall in love with what they see, while women fall in love with what they hear. A sincere compliment is always appreciated, but don't just limit compliments to physical appearance. If you love her laugh or her excitement about her job, say so.

Surprise her with something thoughtful. It doesn't have to be something expensive or extravagant, just something to show that you care that's completely out of the blue. Leave an encouraging note in her car when you know she has a big day at work or try cooking her favorite dish.

Show respect for her and her life. Give her space when she needs it. Don't be possessive or smother her.

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