Wednesday 29 July 2015

Cope With Being Alone on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day can be one of the most difficult days of the year if you're single. Everywhere you go, it seems that love and romance are clamoring for your attention. It can be hard not to get stuck on the fact that you don't have a romantic partner -- and even harder not to feel like you'll never find love or as though there's something wrong with you. Keep your chin up; Valentine's Day doesn't have to bring you down. It can be fun and enjoyable no matter what your relationship status.

Practice Constructive Thinking
Don't allow yourself to dwell on the fact that you're alone. Rumination is a highly negative, unhelpful habit that can lead to depression, warns psychologist and author Guy Winch, as reported on Psychology Today in "The Seven Hidden Dangers of Brooding and Ruminating." Instead, focus your thoughts on constructive, positive topics. This could be anything that makes you happy. If it forces you to concentrate, asserts Winch, it’s breaking the flow of rumination. So, each time you feel your mind wandering back to your single status, gently give it a push in another direction.

Be Positive
As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s important to put yourself in a positive frame of mind, counsels Chelsey Byers, a family life educator at the University of Illinois Extension, in the article "How to Survive Being Single on Valentine's Day." There are plenty of ways you can do this. Byers recommends everything from planning an activity you’ll be excited about to treating yourself to a special day to simply remembering that you have people in your life who love you -- and that Valentine’s Day can easily celebrate the relationships you have with friends and family. Choose the one that works best for you.

Make a Resolution
If your single status is really bothering you and you're having a hard time redirecting your thoughts, it's best to try and make these thoughts constructive. So, if you find yourself repeatedly wondering why you can't seem to find the right person, make sure you also consider positive changes you can make to put yourself out there. Join a dating website or plan activities with friends where you’re likely to meet and interact with other singles. Increase your self-confidence with a new haircut, new clothes or a new attitude.

Have a Regular Day
It's important to remember that in the end, Valentine's Day is just another day of the year, and there's nothing that says you have to treat it as a holiday. There are plenty of people who don't, even if they have romantic partners. Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a big deal if you don't want it to be. So, simply go about your business like it's any other day, and before you know it, it'll be February 15.

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