Sunday, 29 November 2015

Child Custody Parenting Plan

Preparing a parenting plan is vital in any child custody case. Here are some suggestions for making the best parenting plan for your child.
  1. Step 1

    Set aside a time when you won't be interrupted. Gather a calendar, writing utensils, a list of school holidays, and any information that the child's other parent has given you about vacations, custody, etc. It may help to be near a computer.
  2. Step 2

    Think about what type of basic custody and visitation you want for your child. If you and the other parent have agreed on joint custody, prepare a repeating cycle where both parents get about half of the time (for example, a 3/3/4/4 or a 2/2/5/5 agreement). You may want to experiment with some options to see what works for your children.
  3. Step 3

    Apply the repeating cycle of custody to the calendar. Mark the mother's and father's time in different colors to keep them straight. If this is the permanent plan, you can apply the schedule to an entire year.
  4. Step 4

    Take out your list of holidays and school holidays. Make a list of the holidays you will take into account for custody. Divide the holidays between the parents -- equal big holidays and minor holidays. Decide how long the holiday lasts, and write out the times next to the list of holidays. Now, mark the holidays on the calendar. (You should have a list of holidays with times and the custody, and also have them on the calendar.)
  5. Step 5

    Decide how you want to do vacations. Put in actual vacation time if you have it, or make a note to add unspecified vacations to the plan. An unspecified vacation means that the parents can take the children for so many days with advance notice to the other parent.
  6. Step 6

    Think about any special events where the custody or visitation schedule might change. Mark a list of them and mark them in the calendar.
  7. Step 7

    Make a list of any provisions or stipulations you want the other parent to agree to. For example, maybe you want to be notified if the other parent gets your child a passport. You may also want to type this list up.
  8. Step 8

    Gather your lists and calendar and put them in a folder. Add any information that you want. This folder has the contents of your parenting plan.

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