Monday, 30 November 2015

NFL Football Pool Work

Types Of Football Pools
Football is one of the most popular American spectator sports. Millions of people watch football, either in person or on TV, each week during the football season. Many fans add to the excitement of following their favorite teams by participating in football pools to win money and bragging rights among their friends. There are many types of football pools to participate in. Here are a few.
Fantasy Football: Each participant drafts a team of players. Each week a lineup of players is determined and you play against another team. Points are determined by offensive scoring, as well as defensive yards and points allowed.

Football Square Pool: A game is selected usually one involving the local home team. Each participant pays an entry fee and buys a square on a grid. Each square corresponds to a random number for each team. If the score reflects your number at the end of each quarter, half, and game you win. It's fun even if you know nothing about football.
Survivor Pool: Each week during the season you pick the winner of one game. If you win you keep advancing until you are eliminated. The last remaining survivors split the pot. Once you pick a team you can't pick it again. It's much less time consuming than a fantasy league.

Which Football Pool To Play
There are many types of football pools you can play. Each pool will have a slight variation of the rules but the general structure of the pool will be the same. Which pool you decide to play will depend on your interest in football and the time you wish to spend on participating in a football pool. If you are an avid football fan, with spare time to spend, you may want to join a fantasy football league with like minded friends. In fantasy football you will be spending a lot of time each week researching players to draft and trade for, as well as setting your lineup. Not to mention the time trash talking online with your friends which adds to the fun.
If you are a more casual fan, with not much time to spend on a football pool a survivor pool or football squares pool, this would be ideal for you. You can still participate and enjoy the fun of the pool without spending all your time on it.

Setting Up A Football Pool
Setting up and administering a football pool has never been easier with the availability of online tracking tools. Many are free or fairly inexpensive depending on the features you want. You no longer need to spend hours tracking the results and communicating with your league members. By having your league online everything is automatically done.
First you need to decide on the rules and payout of the pool. Decide on the entry fees, point system and the payout for the winners. Invite participants to go online to register. All you need to do is collect the entry fees.

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