If you have a kid and something to say, then you've already got the necessary qualifications to become a mommy blogger. If you have thought about blogging before but aren't sure how to set up a mom blog, then you've come to the right place. You can come up with a good name, get set up and even get some traffic with these simple steps. Read on to learn more.
Decide on good pseudonyms for your kids and family members. You can't set up a mom blog and use your children's real names; other moms will think you don't care about online predators. So, you have to come up with fake names to use during your blogging adventure. Things like Doodlebug, Stinky or Bunny Bear will work just fine. If you have a funny nickname that would embarrass them when they get older, use that.
Come up with a catchy title. It needs to say something about you and what you stand for. Once you come up with a few ideas, perform a quick search to find out if those mom blog titles are taken or not.
Create your blog. You can choose to go with a simple blogging site like Blogger or host your own site using WordPress or TypePad. Choose a theme that's fun and colorful, and that ties in well with your title.
Write your first blog post, and your second. Now that you're set up, it's time to start blogging. It doesn't matter what you write about; mommy blogging is all about the tiny details. If Fluffer-butt wet the bed last night, consider that prime blogging material.
Find readers. Now that you are officially a mommy blogger, you have to find someone to read your innermost thoughts. Join as many rings and blogging communities as possible, and send the link to everyone you know.