Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Write an Effective Blog

Nothing is more annoying than reading blog posts saturated with vague and useless information. When blogging, write about what's important to you and what you believe is most useful to your readers. Effective blog posts contain timeless, relevant and helpful information. By following a few simple guidelines, you can keep readers' attention and ensure repeat visits.

Step 1
Include keywords and phrases in your blogs that will help readers find your posts easily when they type words into their Internet search engines. This is called search engine optimization (SEO).

Step 2
Keep your posts brief and to the point. Text-heavy blogs are a turnoff. Quality trumps quantity. The same holds true for how often you post. Your goal should be building relationships with your readers not attracting comments, driving traffic and increasing standing with search engines (quality posts will automatically do that for you).

Step 3
Be mindful of your writing. It's a reflection on you as a person and your professionalism. Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Lure readers with eye-catching headlines, and use bullets to highlight important information.

Step 4
Only link to quality sites relevant to your posts. Many bloggers link because they are under the mistaken impression that this alone will increase search engine rankings and increase blog traffic. Don't link for the sake of linking. Not all links are good links. If you must link, do it with a purpose.

Step 5
Create original material; don't plagiarize. Not only is plagiarism unethical, but it will also tarnish your reputation as a credible blogger. If you find sites that complement your posts, link to them, don't steal from them.

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