Thursday, 18 February 2016

Put Picture on Facebook From Your Phone

One effective way to share pictures taken on your cellphone with family, friends and contacts is to upload them to the Facebook social networking site. Facebook offers a photo upload facility to smartphone users who install the Facebook Mobile application, but standard cellphone users can also upload pictures to Facebook. You can register for a dedicated Facebook upload email address that allows you to upload pictures direct from your phone handset.

Open your Web browser and navigate to Log in to your Facebook account with your usual Facebook password and username.

Click the “Send my Upload Email to me Now” link at the bottom of the page. This opens a pop-up window containing your email address.

Click the “Send Email” button in the pop-up window. Facebook will now send your personalized upload email address.

Launch the email application on your cellphone.

Open the email from Facebook and copy the dedicated upload email address from the message body.

Create a new email message in the phone’s email application. Attach the picture that you want to add to Facebook. Enter information about the photo in the email subject line. Facebook uses all text in the subject line as the picture caption.

Enter the Facebook upload email address that you copied in Step 5 into the email “To” input field.

Send the email message. Facebook will post the picture to your profile page and homepage.

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