Friday, 4 March 2016

Add Music to Facebook Group

Facebook groups are a great way to share information with friends who have common interests. Along with status updates, photos and links to other websites, you can add music to a post, thanks to a feature developed by Facebook to create a clickable player that allows the members of the group to play the song without being directed to an external site. Once you have found the song you want streaming online, it is a simple matter to post it to a Facebook group.

Find the song you want to share on a streaming media site, such as YouTube or

Copy the song's URL, the address where it can be found on the Internet, usually beginning with "http://" by highlighting it with your mouse, then keying "Ctrl" and "C" or right-clicking the highlighted text and selecting "Copy."

Sign in to your Facebook account and navigate to the group where you want to add a song.

Click "Link," next to where it says "Share" at the top of the page.

Paste the URL you copied into the field provided by keying "Ctrl" and "V" or right-clicking in the field and selecting "Paste," then click "Attach." Add any comments you want to include with the song, then press the "Share" button to add the song to the group's wal

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