Friday, 4 March 2016

Report Threat From Facebook

The Facebook social networking site is a convenient way to interact and communicate with friends and contacts. Such open communication does have a down side, though, because occasionally Facebook is used to send threatening or abusive messages to individuals. Users who receive a threatening message can block the sender from the privacy options in the Facebook account settings menu. You can also report a threat to Facebook by clicking a link on the sender's profile page.

Launch your Web browser, navigate to Facebook and log into your account.

Click "Profile" from the top menu to view your profile page containing all messages posted on your Facebook Wall. Find the threatening or abusive post. Alternatively, select "Messages" from the left-hand menu and find the threatening or abusive private message you received.

Click the sender's profile picture or name to open their Facebook profile.

Click the "Report/Block This Person" link at the bottom of the left-hand menu on the sender's profile page. This launches the "What You Can Do" pop-up dialog box.

Click your preferred options from the choices of "My Friend is Bullying or Harassing Me," "Inappropriate Profile Picture" or "Inappropriate Wall Post." To "unfriend" and/or block the sender, click the check-box beside these options.

Click "Continue." When prompted, click the "x" beside the offending wall post, private message or profile picture to report the threat to Facebook.

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