Google Earth is a popular virtual mapping program that allows users to view satellite images and aerial photographs of a specific address. Users can also retrieve directions, zoom in and out of Google Earth images and copy and paste the photographs into a number of software applications, including Microsoft Office PowerPoint. By inserting a Google Earth image into a PowerPoint slide, you can enhance the overall appearance of your presentation.
Go to "Start," click "All Programs" and open Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
Click the round "Office button," select "Open" and locate the PowerPoint file you want to use. Click on your desired PowerPoint slide.
Visit Google Earth (see References) and download the most recent version. After installing Google Earth, the program will automatically open.
Click on the "Fly To" tab, enter an address in the available text box and click the "Enter" button on your keyboard. Google Earth will display a satellite image of the specific address you entered. If you want to zoom in or out, double-click on the image until you're satisfied.
Click the "Edit" tab and select "Copy Image." After you copy the image, minimize Google Earth and maximize PowerPoint.
Right-click inside your PowerPoint slide and select the "Paste" option in the context menu. You can resize the Google Earth image by clicking and dragging any of the small dots located on each corner of the picture.
Click the "Office button" and save your presentation.
Go to "Start," click "All Programs" and open Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
Click the round "Office button," select "Open" and locate the PowerPoint file you want to use. Click on your desired PowerPoint slide.
Visit Google Earth (see References) and download the most recent version. After installing Google Earth, the program will automatically open.
Click on the "Fly To" tab, enter an address in the available text box and click the "Enter" button on your keyboard. Google Earth will display a satellite image of the specific address you entered. If you want to zoom in or out, double-click on the image until you're satisfied.
Click the "Edit" tab and select "Copy Image." After you copy the image, minimize Google Earth and maximize PowerPoint.
Right-click inside your PowerPoint slide and select the "Paste" option in the context menu. You can resize the Google Earth image by clicking and dragging any of the small dots located on each corner of the picture.
Click the "Office button" and save your presentation.