Sunday, 20 March 2016

Disable Quick Scroll Google

You may have noticed a box appear in the bottom right corner of your screen when you search for something on Google. The box shows you specific relevant text from a page that matches your search query. When you click on it, it takes you directly to that section of the page. It sounds helpful, but you may find it annoying when it pops up even after you have already chosen a search result. This feature is easy to disable, and you can re-enable it later on if you wish.

Find Tools
Click on the icon shaped like a wrench, in the top of your screen, in the bar with the other Google-related items.

Click "Tools" in the left column of the box that pops up.

Untoggle the box beside "Quick Scroll" in the "Tool Selection" menu.

Click "Save" at the bottom right corner of the box.

Close the box.

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