Sunday, 20 March 2016

Embed Google Map in Web Page

Google Maps is a free web mapping service. The site allows users to input any street address in the world and see a map of the area. There are photos of the address available for many locations. Google Maps also provides free directions to and from any address. Use the link feature to embed a Google Maps page into any website.

Go to and type a location into the search box. Click the "Search Maps" button to search.

Click on a search result from the left sidebar to focus the map on that location. Click the "Link" button in the upper right-hand corner of the map.

Click the link that says "Customize and preview embedded map" located in the bottom of the Link box that pops up. Select a size from one of the custom size choices, or select "Custom" to enter in a custom size for the embedded map.

View the preview of the map and then scroll down to the box labeled, "Copy and paste this HTML to embed in your website." Position the mouse cursor in the box with the code and click. The code will automatically be copied to the clipboard.

Go to the web page and press "Ctrl"+"V" on the keyboard to paste the code from the Google Maps into the web page.

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