has become the go-to search engine for anyone trying to find anything on the Internet. As a result, many people use it to find information about friends, including their addresses and phone numbers. While the Google's ability to find your acquainances depends almost entirely on the commonness of the person's name (for example, someone named "John Smith" will be extremely hard to find), there are steps you can take to narrow your search and focus on the right person.
Enter in your friend's name. Use quotation marks around that name in order to limit the search to only
pages that contain those two words in a row. (For example, instead of typing John Smith into the bar, type in "John Smith" to locate all pages with that name in them.) Press "Google Search" and read the results. If the results are not to your pleasing, move to Step 2.
Type in any other auxiliary information you have regarding your friend. For example, if you know the high school they attended, enter that into the Google search bar. If you know they are on a social networking website such as Facebook or MySpace, enter that information into the Google search bar in order to locate their profile page. The more information you can enter into Google in order to narrow the search, the better your search results will be. Try to combine as much information as possible. If the results don't work, move to Step 3.
Remove all information you have about your friend and simply put your friend's phone number into Google. The results will take you to a variety of websites that offer information about looking up phone numbers. The numbers that come up will offer information about the address where the phone number is listed and that number's owner.
Enter in your friend's name. Use quotation marks around that name in order to limit the search to only
pages that contain those two words in a row. (For example, instead of typing John Smith into the bar, type in "John Smith" to locate all pages with that name in them.) Press "Google Search" and read the results. If the results are not to your pleasing, move to Step 2.
Type in any other auxiliary information you have regarding your friend. For example, if you know the high school they attended, enter that into the Google search bar. If you know they are on a social networking website such as Facebook or MySpace, enter that information into the Google search bar in order to locate their profile page. The more information you can enter into Google in order to narrow the search, the better your search results will be. Try to combine as much information as possible. If the results don't work, move to Step 3.
Remove all information you have about your friend and simply put your friend's phone number into Google. The results will take you to a variety of websites that offer information about looking up phone numbers. The numbers that come up will offer information about the address where the phone number is listed and that number's owner.