Friday, 4 March 2016

Find Groups in Facebook

Facebook is a prominent website where people and businesses get together for social interaction online. This interaction takes place in the form of comments and replies on personal pages, selecting the "Like" button on business and fun pages, and discussions in groups. Anyone on Facebook can form a group, an avenue to get people with similar interests together to discuss a topic. To find a group, you can search for it either by name or by keyword with Facebook's search function.

Log into Facebook.

Click the search bar on your Facebook homepage.

Type in a keyword that matches the type of group you are interested in or type in the name of the group if you know what it is.

Click "See more results for" from the drop-down menu.

Click the "Groups" link from the left navigation pane.

Click a group name to see more about the group or click "Request to Join" next to the group name.

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